Monday, February 18, 2008

Jury Duty...

I am not looking forward to tomorrow- I have jury duty. I don't want to go- mainly because the time off work, even if it's just one day is going to put me behind, and I don't like that. Not to mention, if I actually get selected for the jury, I will have to go in and work early in the mornings, and on whatever lunch break I get from jury service, just to keep myself from getting way too far behind. (But I don't think I will get picked for the jury because I think this jury is for a trial that includes social services... since I work for social services... at least that's the way my prayers are leaning...)
Anyway- I also have to go clear up the fact that I got two summons in two weeks time. One in my maiden name, and one in my married name. Now it's always been said that jury selection goes of DMV records, but I know that that can't be true. Because I got the first summons in my maiden name, which I had never registerd in this county with because I never went to the DMV to change anything until after we got our marraige license and my new social security card back. So then the question remains- what record do the courts use to track you down??? And if they tracked me down, why couldn't they figure out I was the same person when they sent the second summons out a week later??? The first trial I was supposed to show up for got cancelled last week, but I didn't luck out twice- and have to show up tomorrow morning. Sigh... I really want a cookie so badly right now...


Jayme said...

You are nuts. I would LOVE to get selected for jury duty. Neal has before...though he got sent home because he was a minister. But not me. I think it would be such an interesting experience.

suezque said...

It's not that it wouldn't be an experience, but I just don't like the thought of having to go in on my own time to keep caught up on work, because there is no one to fill in- the work will just pile up. I have trouble getting up by 7am, and just thinking about having to be at the office by 7am makes me cringe.

LaughingLaura said...

I got called for Jury duty last year, but they never even called my number for me to be a possible jurist. So, I sat around for about four hours, and then they sent us all home. Totally boring and uneventful. I hope yours is the same! :-D

LaughingLaura said...

Funny - we posted at the exact same time

Laura said...

Don't eat the cookie. I repeat: Don't eat the cookie. There are other things much yummier than the cookie. (Laura should probably stop saying the word cookie...that might help.) Go eat the soup. I repeat...

Sally said...

I've heard that when employers are willing to still pay their employees' salary while they're on jury duty -- then the courts will put those people on the list as much as possible. That doesn't explain the maiden name thing, but I gave it a shot.

I know what you mean about work piling up. I would LOVE to get a day away from work to sit and read my book and wait while they called my name, and at this job it would be no big deal...but, at my last job, the work piled up.

Good luck!