Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway!!!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

I am excited to participate in this for the first time! I've had these little creations lying around for a couple of months and have been wondering if there would be some interest in them, I though they would make great secret sister or office gifts. So I'm testing the waters by giving one of each away! (U.S. only, please). Leave me a comment with your choice of the tea mug or the water bottle, and I will randomly draw two names Sunday April 27th at 8am, mountain time. Please only sign up once, duplicate entries will be deleted. And please be sure to leave a valid email address if you don't have a blog.

Here's whats in the Tea Mug:

And here's what's in the water Bottle:


Christie said...

I love the tea mug.... very cute idea! :)

Gina said...

I'd love them both, but If I had to choose, I'd say the water bottle, i'm trying to drink more water.


Kelley said...

Great idea! How to choose...eenie, meenie...I think I would pick the water bottle...


Springjoy said...

What a NEAT idea! I love it. :) I'd choose the waterbottle.

(P.S I'm a Alaska Girl-transplanted to Colorado. I love it here, and feel so very blessed to still be able to enjoy God's creation. It's wonderful!)

alaskawildrose AT gmail.com

Mer said...

Great prize! I'd love to win the water bottle, since I'm switching my diet cokes for water!

Unknown said...

They really are cute! I'd love the tea mug set

Jenny B. said...

I'd like the tea mug, please.

Cainan & Ryker said...

Gotta love a good tea mug. I'm a tea kind of girl. I thumb my nose at coffee. :)

Mozi Esme said...

They are both very cute! I'd pick the water bottle.

And yes, I am a US resident part of the time.

Amanda said...

i think i would love the water bottle...and i LOVE the blue bottle.

Josie said...

How wonderful! I'd love the water bottle set!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Great idea! I think I'd pick the tea mug.

Kimberly said...

Honestly... I love them both!!! What a great idea.

Even though it says my name is Matthew my name is really Kimberly (Matthew is my son). I can be reached at hunnyv at optonline dot net.

Cactusflower said...

Great idea -- if I could pick I would choose the water bottle. I'm trying to keep myself moving and losing and have to motivate myself to drink more water!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I like the water bottle. :)

Lalycairn said...

Hmmm. I hate choices. I love tea, and I need to drink more water. But still I think I'd choose the tea mug. :)

Unknown said...

I like the water bottle.


Anonymous said...

I would love the tea mug!!!

Anonymous said...

tea please :)

Diana H said...

I like the waterbottle th best.

Amanda Jayne said...

Oh I love them both! I think...the water bottle.

Gigi Lynn said...

I like them both, so I wish that I could zoom in on your pictures and see what's in the package other than the mug and bottle. If I have to choose, based upon what I can see, I guess I'd go with the water bottle. Thank you!

Niwi said...

Oh, they both look very nice!

I'd love to have the water bottle -- my old one finally died on me months ago.

Anonymous said...

Both are great! Tea mug is fabulous!


Hey, don't forget my giveaways!




CrystalGB said...

Great giveaway. I love them both. I guess I would choose the bug.

Betsy said...

Great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would probably chose the water bottle, even though the mug is adorable!

emerzim said...

Hmm...I'm thinking the tea mug!

brooke said...

I'd choose the water bottle... I'm not a big fan of mugs. :) I'm weird and drink my coffee out of a plastic drinking cup.

Jenna said...

I would choose the water bottle in my continued quest to drink more water... What part of Colorado are you in? I am also in a rural part of CO.

Britni said...

I'll take the water bottle. Thanks!

Nadine said...

I love the water bottle! I can use my Crystal Light to Go!

Tammy said...

Water bottle gift set please I really need to drink more water

Stacey said...

I like them both....but I'll go with tea! and thank you for this fun and darling giveawy!

Bethany Maxson said...

Waterbottle definitely!! Thanks!

Ames said...

As I don't really like tea, I'd go for the waterbottle - how fun!

Suzy said...

I can never had too many tea mugs!

Anonymous said...

I love the mug set!


Momnerd said...

They are both really cute but I'd have to go for the water bottle! Cute idea!

Heather said...

I would love the water bottle (I am always thrsty and since I will be nursing a baby in Aug - I definalty need the hydration)

Unknown said...

Both would be a great gift! If I win, you can choose for me! :D

Superdumb Supervillain said...

water bottle, please!

CanCan said...

I'd pick the mug, but I want a bite of that Cariboo Coffee bar, too.

Krista said...

If I had a secret sister/santa/office mate I would love to get one of these!
I'd pick the water bottle!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

noreen said...

water bottle, hard to pick

Joanna said...

I'd like the water bottle. I've been looking for one lately.

Enter me, please!

Debbie said...

I would pick the mug. Both are really clever though.

Amanda said...

Since I'm trying to drink more water, I'd say the water bottle.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of the water bottle - I don't drink much tea especially when the weather warms up. But man, I guzzle the H2O! :-) Neat idea to fill them up with goodies, too! :)

fizzledink AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to enter for the water bottle set. Thanks so much! :)


Nancy said...

I would choose the waterbottle set, lots of fun goodies.

Anonymous said...

I really like them both... but I chose the tea mug~


frugallm said...

I would like the tea mug!

Someone Being Me said...

Those are adorable. I love the water bottle.

holly K said...

I like the tea mug. This is a good idea. Thanks! cookiecutter72 AT hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd like the water bottle! :)


Tiffany said...

I would love to have the water bottle to give to my "bottled water guzzling" daughter.

Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Tiffany Rosson
tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com

Not Trying For A Boy said...

The water bottle is very cute!


Anonymous said...

I like the tea mug with the Stash Tea. Very good company with very good tea! Thanks

Tarasview said...

I would love to win either one! Please enter me.

Suzie Williams said...

Cute prizes. I like the water bottle. I've been tying to drink more water.

Ginny said...

They are both very cute, I think I'd like the tea mug though.

rebecca said...

I love both, but I think I like the tea mug best. Plus, I love to drink tea!

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

tea mug please!

kraziblinkgurli said...

i need a water bottle to take to work :) this one looks perfect!

Alaina said...

Very nice! I like both but I would probably choose the tea mug!!

Jon and Sarah said...

I would love the water bottle best. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I need the water bottle ... trying to drink more. Thanks!

Chantelle said...

how awesome! thank you! please enter me. i love both

Smellyann said...

Great giveaway - I'd love to win the water bottle! Thanks and please visit mine, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I could use the water bottle please. Thanks and have a great day.

Elena said...

I think I'll go for the water bottle. Thanks for the contest!

M said...

those are great! water bottle

mdvanzant at gmail dot com

Paisley said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I love the tea mug!

Melanie Sheridan said...

Thanks for the neat giveaway!I've been trying to go greener at home and a reusable water bottle is on my must purchase list.

Unknown said...

I like the water bottle, its really a neat idea

Kim said...

Water bottle is just made for me. THANKS!

What a wonderful giveaway you are doing here.

Have fun with your giveaway. Don't forget to head on over to my blog and enter mine!

Karin said...

The water bottle--thanks for the giveaway.

monky said...

I love the water bottle and my son just lost mine so this would be perfect!

Thank you


Jinxy and Me said...

Hard choice! I think I would go with the water bottle. Thanks for the giveaway!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

I would love the water bottle! Thanks for a chance to win!

Keryn said...

I love the water bottle--cute idea! My email addy is in my blogger profile, in case I win!

Marsha said...

Both are really nice gifts. But the tea mug is the bestest. Tea lover here for sure.

Awesome giveaway and thanks for participating. Now I sure hope I win.

Anonymous said...

water bottle
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Adena (aka cre82learn) said...

I like the water bottle. Great giveaway.

AudreyO said...

These both look so great! If I HAVE to pick, I would pick the water bottle. Thanks so much for this great giveaway.

Jodi said...

I'd love to win the tea mug! Thanks so much!

Re said...

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner! :) waterbottle for me :)

Peculiar said...

I'd like the water bottle. thanks.

Tamara said...

Enter me for the mug! Thanks!

Tamara (AK)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

Erica G said...

I like the water bottle!